1. Business Name registered with SC Secretary of State and have articles of organization (about $250.00)
2. Register Business Name with the IRS for an EIN (Employer Identification Number- aka Tax ID number) You will need these 2 pieces of information to open your Business Checking Account.
3. Attain a South Carolina Retail License. This can be done in person at 33 Villa Road Suite 401 Greenville, SC 29615 or on line at:
4. Food Trucks need to fill out a Food Truck Permit Application Business License:
https://www.greenvillesc.gov/DocumentCenter/View/20164/Food-Truck-Permit-Application-2022 (Price TBD on sales)
5. Every Business must have a Business License:
6. Get General Liability Insurance for your business. This is highly important for any business! You can get the required 1 million/2 million coverage through online at the link below for about 300.00 per year. You will have to add the businesses below as additional insureds to your policy at no charge:
Hour Kitchen, LLC
775 Woodruff Road Ste J2
Greenville SC 29607
FHL Holdings, LLC
775 Woodruff Road Ste J
Greenville SC 29607
Quality Electrical Contractors, LLC
775 Woodruff Road Ste J1
Greenville SC 29607
7. Complete your Managers Level Food Handling Safety Test: We can provide a Proctor for ServSafe Testing onsite- Go to Contact Page to email inquiry. Employee Level is not accepted, only Managers Level. (Between 250.00-300.00 for test to include book/material)
You do not have to use ServSafe, this is the only one we can proctor the testing.
8. Create your Menu in a PDF format- does not have to include pricing. This is mandatory for your SCDA application.
9. You must complete the SCDA application and you can pay application fee (100.00) and their permitting fee (100.00). Should you choose to use Hour Kitchen as your Base Commissary, we will help you complete this form and submit to SCDA on your behalf but you are still responsible for their permitting fees.
Here is a helpful link on getting "Shared Kitchen Ready"- from The Food Corridor
For questions or to schedule a tour of Hour Kitchen -
Call Lisa Alexander at 864.230.4725
You can go to the Contact page-complete and submit the form.
You should receive a response within 24 hours.